Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baked figs

My mom used to make these every winter! I never really enjoyed actually eating them though. I had more fun breaking open the walnuts and lathering the figs with honey!!

I made these with my kids a few weeks ago.  My son helped cracking the walnuts while my daughter had a blast watching mommy get her fingers dirty with honey!

The figs can be a great little snack unless of course you eat all of them in one sitting ;)


1 pkg of dried figs (preferably the ones packaged whole and not flattened)
1/4 cup or so walnuts, unshelled
Honey for spreading


Preheat oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit.  Set cookie aside for later.   
Carefully cut figs 2/3 of the way open.  Put enough walnut pieces to fill one side of the fig.  Close up the fig as tightly as possible, making sure none of the walnuts bulge out. Set aside and repeat with remaining figs.

Carefully spread a thin layer of honey on all the fig and place on cookie sheet.  Repeat with remaining figs.  

Place cookie sheet with figs in oven for about 8-10 minutes. Keep a close eye on them because you don't want them to burn depending on the heat of your oven. Every oven will unfortunately bake differently.  After about 10 minutes, flip figs onto other side and bake for another 8-10 minutes.

Be careful when removing them from cookie sheet because you do not want to get burned with the hot honey. Let stand until room temperature. Enjoy!!! 

To store, simply place in a serving dish or plate and cover with cling wrap or if you want to be Eco-friendly, just but a bowl on top of dish!   

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